
Research highlights

**At the end of this page, you can find the list of publications. **

Crop-Specific Emission Projection Suggests Peaking of Agricultural N2O by the Middle Century

This study uses an integrated assessment model with a land cover downscaling module to project crop-specific N2O emissions at 0.05° resolution under various SSP-RCP scenarios from 2025 to 2100. Results show a global N2O emission peak around 2065, ranging from 5.2 to 6.6 Tg N a–1. Corn cultivation is the main contributor, while rice emits less and peaks before 2025.

Zhang, T., Wu, X., Li, C., Chen, C.

Environmental Science & Technology, 58, Article number 52 (2024)

The effect of day-to-day temperature variability on agricultural productivity

This study examines how day-to-day temperature variability and shifts in rainfall patterns impacted global agricultural productivity from 1961 to 2018. Results show that day-to-day temperature variability both negatively affects total factor productivity (TFP) and shapes the influence of monthly average temperatures and wet days.

Zou, Z., Li, C., Wu, X., Meng, Z., Chen, C.

Environmental Research Letters, 19, Article number 12 (2024)

Mapping the spatial heterogeneity of global land use and land cover from 2020 to 2100 at a 1 km resolution

This study aims to produce a gridded dataset of global LULC at 1 km × 1 km resolution under typical SSP-RCP scenarios from 2020 to 2100 by combining GCAM and the Patch-generating Land Use Simulation (PLUS) model.

Zhang, T., Cheng, C., Wu, X.

Scientific Data, 10, Article number 748 (2023)

Is solar power renewable and carbon-neutral: Evidence from a pilot solar tower plant in China under a systems view

This study seeks to further explore the renewable and carbon-neutral characters of solar power under a systems view by studying a pilot solar tower plant in China.

Wu, X., Li, C., Shao, L., Meng, J., Zhang, L., Chen, G.

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 138, March 2021, 110655

An overview of arable land use for the world economy: From source to sink via the global supply chain

This study develops a new embodiment accounting model by including the indirect feedbacks associated with both intermediate and primary inputs, and explores global arable land use in a source-to-sink manner.

Wu, X., Guo, J., Han, M., Chen, G.

Land Use Policy, Volume 76, July 2018, Pages 201-214

Global socio-hydrology: An overview of virtual water use by the world economy from source of exploitation to sink of final consumption

This study seeks to reflect a key aspect of global socio-hydrology by exploring the circulation of virtual water within the global economic network from source of exploitation to sink of final consumption.

Wu, X., Guo, J., Li, C., Shao, L., Han, M., Chen, G.

Journal of Hydrology, Volume 573, June 2019, Pages 794-810


List of publications

(# indicates equal contribution, and indicates the corresponding author.)


Crop-Specific Emission Projection Suggests Peaking of Agricultural N2O by the Middle Century

Zhang, T., Wu, X., Li, C., Chen, C.

Environmental Science & Technology

The effect of day-to-day temperature variability on agricultural productivity

Zou, Z., Li, C., Wu, X., Meng, Z., Chen, C.

Environmental Research Letters

Mapping spatially-explicit cropland-related soil erosion in China from 1980 to 2018 at a 30 m resolution

Xie, Y.#, Zhang, T.#, Zhang, Z., Wu, X.



Mapping the spatial heterogeneity of global land use and land cover from 2020 to 2100 at a 1 km resolution

Zhang, T., Cheng, C., Wu, X.

Scientific Data

Mapping the heterogeneity of global methane footprint in China at the subnational level

Guo, M., Cheng, C., Wu, X.

Journal of Environmental Management

Impacts of production structure changes on global CH4 emissions: Evidences from income-based accounting and decomposition analysis

Cheng, X.#, Wu, X.#, Guan, C., Sun, X., Zhang, B.

Ecological Economics

Evaluating temporal-spatial variations of wetland ecosystem service value in China during 1990–2020 from the donor side based on cosmic exergy

Xu, Y.#, Xie, Y.#,Wu, X., Xie, Y., Zhang, T., Zou, Z., Zhang, R., Zhang, Z.

Journal of Cleaner Production

Mutual complementarity of arable land use in the Sino-Africa trade: Evidence from the global supply chain

Ji, X., Su, P., Liu, Y., Wu, G., Wu, X.

Land Use Policy


Global pastureland use as reflected in inter-regional supply chain

Li, C.#, Wu, X.#, Chen, K., Chen, G.

Journal of Environmental Management

Water cost for water purification: Renewability assessment of a typical wastewater treatment plant in China

Xie, Y.#, Zeng, L.#, Wang, P., Wu, X., Feng, T.

Journal of Cleaner Production

Global temporal evolution of CH4 emissions via geo-economic integration

Wang, X.#, Tian, W.#, Guan, C., Wu, X., Sun, X., Zhang, B.

Journal of Environmental Management

An improved extended exergy accounting method for assessing the sustainability of the Chinese society

Meng, Z., Jin, P., Wu, X., Zhang, B., Guo J

Journal of Cleaner Production


Is solar power renewable and carbon-neutral: Evidence from a pilot solar tower plant in China under a systems view

Wu, X., Li, C., Shao, L., Meng, J., Zhang, L., Chen, G.

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

Energy use flows in the supply chains of the world economy: A full account of both primary and intermediate inputs

Wu, X.#,✽, Guo, J.#, Chen, G., Wu, X.F., Meng, J., Alhodaly, M., Wakeel, M.

Journal of Cleaner Production

Pastureland use of China: Accounting variations from different input-output analyses

Li, C.#, Wu, X.#, Chen, G., Han, M., Chen, K., Yangzong, C., Lo, D., Alsaedi, A., Hayat, T.

Land Use Policy

Multi criteria analysis ranking of solar photovoltaic modules manufacturing countries by an importing country: A case of Uganda

Mukisa, N., Zamora, R., Tek, L., Wu, X., Chen, G

Solar Energy

Extended carbon footprint and emission transfer of world regions: With both primary and intermediate inputs into account

Wu, X.#,✽, Li, C.#, Guo, J., Wu, X.F., Meng, J., Chen, G.

Science of The Total Environment

Can constructed wetlands be more land efficient than centralized wastewater treatment systems? A case study based on direct and indirect land use

Fan, Y.#, Wu, X.#, Shao, L., Han, M., Chen, B., Meng, J., Wang, P., Chen, G.

Science of The Total Environment

Unveiling land footprint of solar power: A pilot solar tower project in China

Wu, X., Shao, L., Chen, G., Han, M., Chi, Y., Yang, Q., Alhodaly, M., Wakeel, M.

Journal of Environmental Management


Global supply chain of biomass use and the shift of environmental welfare from primary exploiters to final consumers

Ji, X., Liu, Y., Meng, J., Wu, X.

Applied Energy

A unified ecological assessment of a solar concentrating plant based on an integrated approach joining cosmic exergy analysis with ecological indicators

Fan, Y.#, Wu, X.#, Wu, X.F., Li, C., Yang, Q., Hayat, T., Alsaedi, A., Wang, P., Chen, G.

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

Carbon emissions embodied in the global supply chain: Intermediate and final trade imbalances

Wu, X., Guo, J., Li, C., Chen, G., Ji, X.

Science of The Total Environment


Global socio-hydrology: An overview of virtual water use by the world economy from source of exploitation to sink of final consumption

Wu, X., Guo, J., Li, C., Shao, L., Han, M., Chen, G.

Journal of Hydrology

Energy use in world economy from household-consumption-based perspective

Wu, X., Guo, J., Ji, X., Chen, G.

Energy Policy

Quantifying global CH4 and N2O footprints

Tian, W., Wu, X., Zhao, X., Ma, R., Zhang, B.

Journal of Environmental Management

Global overview for energy use of the world economy: Household-consumption-based accounting based on the world input-output database (WIOD)

Chen, G.#,✽, Wu, X., Guo, J., Meng, J., Li, C

Energy Economics

Energy use by globalized economy: Total-consumption-based perspective via multi-region input-output accounting

Wu, X., Guo, J., Meng, J., Chen, G.

Science of the Total Environment

Water footprint of thermal power in China: Implications from the high amount of industrial water use by plant infrastructure of coal-fired generation system

Wu, X., Ji, X., Li, C., Xia, X., Chen, G.

Energy Policy

Freshwater costs of seawater desalination: Systems process analysis for the case plant in China

Liu, S., Zhang, G., Han, M., Wu, X., Li, Y., Chen, K., Meng, J., Shao, L., Wei, W., Chen, G.

Journal of Cleaner Production


An overview of arable land use for the world economy: From source to sink via the global supply chain

Wu, X.#, Guo, J.#, Han, M., Chen, G.

Land Use Policy

The striking amount of carbon emissions by the construction stage of coal-fired power generation system in China

Wu, X., Guo, J., Chen, G.

Energy Policy

Contaminant transport from point source on water surface in open channel flow with bed absorption

Guo, J., Wu, X., Jiang, W., Chen, G.

Journal of Hydrology

Ultra-high voltage network induced energy cost and carbon emissions

Wei, W.#, Wu, X.#, Li, J., Jiang, X., Zhang, P., Zhou, S., Zhu, H., Liu, H., Chen, H., Guo, J., Chen, G.

Journal of Cleaner Production


Energy and water nexus in power generation: The surprisingly high amount of industrial water use induced by solar power infrastructure in China

Wu, X., Chen, G.

Applied Energy

Coal use for world economy: Provision and transfer network by multi-region input-output analysis

Xia, X., Chen, B., Wu, X., Hu, Y., Liu, D., Hu, C

Journal of Cleaner Production

A three-scale input-output analysis of water use in a regional economy: Hebei province in China

Liu, S.#, Wu, X.#, Han, M., Zhang, J., Chen, B., Wu, X.F., Wei, W., Li, Z

Journal of Cleaner Production


Progress and prospect of CCS in China: Using learning curve to assess the cost-viability of a 2×600MW retrofitted oxyfuel power plant as a case study

Wu, X.#, Yang, Q.#, Chen, G., Hayat, T., Alsaedi, A

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

Embodied energy analysis for coal-based power generation system-highlighting the role of indirect energy cost

Wu, X.#, Xia, X.#, Chen, G., Wu, X.F., Chen, B

Applied Energy

Virtual water accounting for a building construction engineering project with nine sub-projects: a case in E-town, Beijing

Han, M., Chen, G., Meng, J., Wu, X., Alsaedi, A., Ahmad, B

Journal of Cleaner Production

Critical Length of Contaminant Cloud in a Three-Layer Wetland: Multi-scale Analysis for Environmental Dispersivity

Li, Z., Wang, P., Sun, T., An, Y., Wu, X.


2015 and Before

Renewability and sustainability of biogas system: Cosmic exergy based assessment for a case in China

Wu, X.F., Chen, G., Wu, X., Yang, Q., Alsaedi, A., Hayat, T., Ahmad, B.

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

Taylor dispersion in a packed pipe with wall reaction: Based on the method of Gill’s series solution

Wang, P., Li, Z., Wu, X., An, Y.

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer

Analysis of rural household energy consumption and renewable energy systems in Zhangziying town of Beijing

Li, X.#, Lin, C.#,✽, Wang, Y., Zhao, L., Duan, N., Wu, X.

Ecological Modelling

Vertical specialization, global trade and energy consumption for an urban economy: A value added export perspective for Beijing

Xia, X., Hu, Y., Chen, G., Alsaedi, A., Hayat, T., Wu, X.

Ecological Modelling

Structure decomposition analysis for energy-related GHG emission in Beijing: Urban metabolism and hierarchical structure

Xia, X., Hu, Y., Alsaedi, A., Hayat, T., Wu, X., Chen, G.

Ecological Informatics

Sustainability of a typical biogas system in China: Emergy-based ecological footprint assessment

Wu, X.F., Yang, Q., Xia, X., Wu, T., Wu, X., Shao, L., Hayat, T., Alsaedi, A., Chen, G.

Ecological Informatics

Ecological accounting for an integrated “pig–biogas–fish” system based on emergetic indicators

Wu, X.F.#, Wu, X.#, Li, J.#, Xia, X., Mi, T., Yang, Q., Chen, G., Chen, B., Hayat, T., Alsaedi, A.

Ecological Informatics

Bibliometric indicators for sustainable hydropower development

Han, M.#, Sui, X.#, Huang, Z., Wu, X., Xia, X., Hayat, T., Alsaedi, A.

Ecological Informatics